The route starts and ends in the Chester Lake parking lot. We will do it counter clockwise, heading up through the Headwall Lakes valley, up and over the col between Chester and Fortress, and return via Chester Lake. There is no exposure. The plan does not include summiting Fortress.
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Note: Drove up to see what was actually close in Highwood Ridge area. For the past few years the area has been under construction. The Highwood Ridge Trail is blocked totally off. So we will do Elbow Lake Trail just a few km north of Highwood area. You'll meet at ten minutes to 8:30 at … Continue reading Edworthy Falls via Elbow Lake Trail
Goat Creek to Goat Pond Dam – 6.1 km A winding trail descends to a pond where spring waters idle a bit before shooting through a pipe into Goat Creek. It’s grassy bank is a very pleasant spot, still waters reflecting Ha Ling Peak and Mount Lawrence Grassi. Just beyond the old wooden spillway, the … Continue reading High Rockies Trail – Goat Creek to Goat Pond
We will do parts of the Horseshoe Loop on Grotto. There will be some elevation involved. Bring your lunch & Bear spray. Meet at the Cougar Creek Parking Lot.