Healy Pass (rescheduled from July 6 – see notes)

Date(s) - Wed Jul 20 2022
8:15 am


B+ rating due to length.

There may be some snow or soggy ground for a few sections of less than 100 metres.

The flowers should be incredible.

If more than 20 hikers signup, we will split into two groups.

Hike may be 800m shorter this year if Sunshine Parking Lot is accessible to the gondola base.


Rescheduled again to July 20.

July 2nd report on Alltrails: Did Egypt Lake as an overnight trip. We
went in Redearth side and the trail was clear until 2km to the
Campground then we were route finding around downed trees and in about
a foot of snow. Campground is still mostly covered in snow. Trails
leading from the campground to different lakes are 100% still snow
covered with no packed trail and lakes are mostly frozen. Took Healy
Pass out and going over the ridge was difficult. Found one set of foot
prints to half follow and all trails got us over the pass in 1-2 feet
of snow the whole way with lots of downed trees. Recommend giving this
another few weeks to melt before attempting.

My apologies for any inconvenience,

URL Reference: http://bobspirko.ca/Hiking/Banff/HealyPass/HealyPass.html

Type: Hike

Level: B+   at B pace

Trip Leader: Chuck Buckley

Total Distance (km): 20

Vertical Gain (m): 710

Max Elevation (m): 2375

Duration (hrs): 8

Meet 10 minutes before 8:15 AM

Meet location: Harvie Heights Rd gravel lot

Cost ($): 6

Max Participants: 15


Earliest Signup: 8:00 pm Wednesday before trip

To register, email request to: chuckley7@gmail.com
If no reply check your email junk folder

Meeting place map not available