Eagle Migration Count in Kananaskis – Caroline Lambert

Lifelong Learning

Date(s) - Mon Oct 02 2023
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Every year thousands of Golden Eagles fly along the ridges past Canmore, migrating north in the spring and back south in the fall.  For more than 30 years, teams of citizen scientist volunteers with the Rocky Mountain Eagle Research Foundation have been monitoring this amazing migration from the banks of the Kananaskis River near Kananaskis Village.  This talk will cover the history of the eagle count, what it’s like to be out at the count, trends determined so far, and how the count fits with other raptor count across the continent.


About Caroline Lambert:

 After retiring early from a career in tech, Caroline immersed herself in the world of birding.  She now makes use of her expertise by participating in various citizen science projects throughout the year in addition to the eagle migration count.  The projects include various bird counts, bird banding and breeding bird surveys.  Caroline is a principal observer for the eagle migration count and a member of the board of the Rocky Mountain Eagle Research Foundation.  Caroline also serves on the Alberta Bird Records Committee, and is a member of the Data Committee of the Hawk Migration Association of North America.