Date(s) - Sat Feb 08 2020
7:30 am
The lunch served within the lodge for X-C skiers is based on a first come; first served option. $25 cash includes homemade bread, soup, salad and dessert. (Tip optional). The ski to the lodge is 11 kms one way and the last 3 kms are particularly strenuous. Since they only like a dozen or so drop-in skiers in a group, I might need to take a lottery system, taking a dozen names out of a hat to determine who are the lodge lunch skiers. There are no guarantees they will accommodate us in any case so a packed snack is advisable. Le Relais is open also at that time so a bag lunch can be enjoyed over a wood fire (if you build a fire) and keep cosy in there. Please let me know anytime if you have a 10/10 availability and interest in this trip. I would let people know by Feb 1st if on trip. (Away Jan 29/30/31)
Type: XC Ski
Level: B+   at B pace
Trip Leader: Helen Read
Total Distance (km): 22 kms.
Vertical Gain (m): 600
Max Elevation (m):
Duration (hrs): 7-8
Meet 10 minutes before 7:30 AM
Meet location: behind Save-On
Cost ($): $25 cash lunch plus $12 for gas
Max Participants: 12 FULL
Earliest Signup: See notes
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