Date(s) - Wed Jul 31 2024
8:30 am
This is a lovely hike with meadows, river and mouontain views. There are several short uphill areas along the way. The majority of the hike is under a tree canopy so some care needed to avoid the roots on the paths.
As we descend, we will arrive at the Bonsai Rocks, an unusual formation with some interesting geological history.
There were lots of flowers when I checked it out and hopefully there will still be many to enjoy.
Type: Hike
Level: C+   at C pace
Trip Leader: Marilyn Wilson
Total Distance (km): 11
Vertical Gain (m): 250
Max Elevation (m):
Duration (hrs): 6
Meet 10 minutes before 8:30 AM
Meet location: behind Save-On
Cost ($): 4
Max Participants: 12
Earliest Signup: 8:00 pm Wednesday before trip
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