Taylor Lake and Beyond

Date(s) - Mon Sep 28 2020
8:45 am


Thick forested trail to the glacial lake and beyond to the alpine meadows, filled with larch trees. (Hopefully, at their prime.)

Meet at the Taylor Lake Parking Lot. It is just off the #1 Highway, about 8 km west of the junction with Highway 93. (About 17 km east of Lake Louise) It is on the south side of the highway, but can be accessed from both sides of the TCH. Meet at 8:45 for a 9:00 departure.

URL Reference:

Type: Hike

Level: B   at B pace

Trip Leader: Julia Hall and Linda Korsbrek

Total Distance (km): 16

Vertical Gain (m): 740 m

Max Elevation (m): 2200

Duration (hrs): 8.5 to 9

Meet 10 minutes before 8:45 AM

Meet location: See notes

Cost ($):

Max Participants: 8 FULL


Earliest Signup: 8:00 pm Wednesday before trip

To register, email request to: lkorsbrek@shaw.ca
If no reply check your email junk folder

Meeting place map not available