Date(s) - Mon Dec 10 2018
8:45 am
I will be skiing into Moraine Lake (24 kms). Options if people want to arrange cars to ski just to turnaround(18 kms) and/or enjoy a long coffee break at Laggins. One area of caution for avalanches but it is still early season with minimal snow coverage. Many trails we frequent pass avalanche slopes: Redearth, Tyrwhitt, O’Hara Fire Rd, Emerald Lk. Meet up please between Save On and CAD Tire.
Type: XC Ski
Level: B+   at B pace
Trip Leader: Helen Read
Total Distance (km): 24 kms. to lake. 18 kms to turnaround.
Vertical Gain (m):
Max Elevation (m):
Duration (hrs):
Meet 10 minutes before 8:45 AM
Meet location: See notes
Cost ($): $10
Max Participants: 12
Earliest Signup: 8:00 pm Wednesday before trip
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