Date(s) - Tue Dec 18 2018
8:45 am
Meet between Save-On and Canadian Tire to car pool.
Drive to Elk Pass Parking Lot in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park.
Ski to Elk Pass, onward past picnic table on Tyrwhitt to the watershed top meadow (about 30 minutes from Elk Pass top), return to Elk Pass top and ski Hydroline to Patterson and Elk Pass. Optional Fox Creek trail on way back to parking.
Tyrwhitt is partly groomer track set and partly skier track set. There is good snow coverage (no rocks), but a few twigs.
Type: XC Ski
Level: B+   at B pace
Trip Leader: Chuck Buckley
Total Distance (km): 18
Vertical Gain (m): 300 total
Max Elevation (m):
Duration (hrs): 5-6 depending on size of group
Meet 10 minutes before 8:45 AM
Meet location: See notes
Cost ($): $10
Max Participants: 12
Earliest Signup: Any time
To register, email request to:
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