YOHO NP West Boundary – Wapta Falls viewed from both Banks

Date(s) - Wed Jun 15 2022
8:30 am


The sign-up email link may not always work as intended. You should receive an auto-reply message.
Duplicate your sign-up as a normal email to pubsea@shaw.ca with cc to geoffpv@shaw.ca.

Because of the drive between the two sides of the falls we may not arrive back in Canmore until 7pm (19:00).

Take extra snacks for drive. We could also stop in Lake Louise for food on the way back if you like.

You will receive a full itinerary when you sign up.

URL Reference:

Type: Hike

Level: C   at guide pace

Trip Leader: Geoff Williams

Total Distance (km): 11

Vertical Gain (m): 230

Max Elevation (m):

Duration (hrs): 9-10

Meet 10 minutes before 8:30 AM

Meet location: behind Save-On

Cost ($): 20

Max Participants: 14 Postponed


Earliest Signup: 8:00 pm Wednesday before trip

To register, email request to: pubsea@shaw.ca
If no reply check your email junk folder

Meeting place map not available