You can easily add emergency contacts and medical information to your Android phone. If you are unconscious another person can see this information by taking your phone and “swiping up”. Note that you should realize that this information is then available to anyone who has your phone!
Note that the exact settings in Android phones depend on the brand, so yours might be slightly different. Here is how to set it up on a Samsung Galaxy:
1. Open up Contacts on your phone. Do you see those 3 little lines on the top left (circled in red below)? Click on them and select Groups.
2. Under Groups you will see Emergency Contacts, click on it and see all your contacts listed with a plus sign beside them (e.g., circled in red for the first contact below). If you click on the plus sign, they will be added to your emergency contacts. The two here on the top are my emergency contacts.
3. Now to add medical information, you need to open up Settings, and click on Safety and Emergency.
4. Then click on Medical Information. The screen shown below will come up. Click on the pencil and you will be able to add any medical info that you wish.
Now, how does somebody access this? Just by swiping up on the Lock Screen. When you swipe up on my phone, you can see my two emergency contact numbers show up, plus a button that someone can click to get medical information.
You can also have your contact information scroll on the lock screen so that if you lose your phone, your email or phone number is displayed for anyone that finds it. Let me show you how!
Here you go to Settings, and click on Lock Screen (or on other phones, Display). If you scroll down, you will see Add Text to Lock Screen or Contact Information depending on your phone. Here is what mine shows. When I have my Lock Screen up, it has this information always scrolling across the screen. If I lost the phone, and somebody wanted to return it, they can easily email or call me. I also put my wife’s name as ICE (in case of emergency).
If you have difficulty adding this info to your phone and want some help, just call the IT Doctors! In addition, if you have an iPhone and not an Android, see this earlier post: